Sunday, February 04, 2007

Question 1.

ho are the main characters in the novel?Do you like them? Why or Why not?What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

In this novel, the round characters are Pony Curtis, Johnny Cade, Darrel Curtis(Darry), and Sodapop Curtis. Actually, I don't like them because they're not really good students and they have such bad emotion to each other. They had a poor background also there is some conflicts between greasers(poor and hooligans in East side) and Socs(rich guys in Westside). On the other hand, I like them because Darry who was the oldest brother began to provide to his younger brothers. There is no speciality about them but one thing its special thing is they killing each other and they gives a torment to each other. Their conflict is serious disagreement and argument because they knew what's going to be happen after the seriouse moment and It take a risk of one´s life.
They reveals the conflict, gap, and dicrimination between class.

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