Monday, February 12, 2007

Question 4.

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

I can summarize the mood of this novel by using four words: aggressive, dangerous,antisocial and inharmonic. They(socs & greaser) don't meet each other without fighting or dispute.They never try to have good feeling about opposite group. They had different grounds: their parent's economic ability, their cultures, and their appearance. Especially, greasers had bad home background. It make them more dark. So the atmosphere of story is always tense and dark.

I 'm pity that they were judged by parental economic ablity or state. Futhermore, people had fixed thoughts about them in spite of each child's difference. What's worse, they changed as stereotype that people made about each their group: socs & greaser. The most mournful thing is vicious circle: fight on fight, death on death. They can't get out of this cycle. In conclusion, society made their shape and takes most responsibility for them. So I'm a little heartbroken and pity.
The Outsiders is definitely my best selling book; but what I like most about it is how it has taught a lot of kids to enjoy reading.
First Published: 1967Published by: Puffin Books
According to Ponyboy, there are two kinds of people in the world: greasers and socs. A soc (short for "social") has money, can get away with just about anything, and has an attitude longer than a limousine. A greaser, on the other hand, always lives on the outside and needs to watch his back. Ponyboy is a greaser, and he's always been proud of it, even willing to rumble against a gang of socs for the sake of his fellow greasers--until one terrible night when his friend Johnny kills a soc. The murder gets under Ponyboy's skin, causing his world to crumble and teaching him that pain feels the same whether a soc or a greaser.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Question 3.

d. What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How the events of this novel make you feel?

The Climax of this novel is that Jonny killed Bob. Because I felt the most tense in this chapter and this section has the biggist action in this story.

Pony Boy and Johnny went to see movie and they met Socs' girl friends. They discovered that they had something in common and they got close to each other. After the movie, they headed for Two Bits' house. On their way, they encountered Socs who had already drunken. Between the greasers(Johnny and Pony Boy) and Socs( group of people including Bob,) seems being big gap between them. Socs tortured Pony Boy and Johnny, and after Pony Boy was tortured by Socs, it became Johnny's turn. He was too scared and frustrated. He pulled out his Knife in order to defense himself. Situation got worse and he didn't intend to kill Bob but accidently he killed Bob so as to defense himself. And they ran away.

Hostile feeling isn't worth having in mind. It brings about much bigger problem. I think they need to understand each other and comprise in better way rather than hatred or have ceaseless fight and misconception. But it's just story of farrytale and it's impossible to get along with eachother. Because the wall that exist between them is created by their society or adults.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Question 2.

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of this novel is to overcome the gap between social classes(:Socs and greasers) or to show the ability to be harmonic with each other.

It's really significant for teenager living in 2007 beacause they have a huge wall between rich and poor. When you compare to adult, there are high-class, middle-class, and low-class. As you can see people choose their classes that what classes they should be in there. When you compare to teenager, there is no huge wall between them but they have too. Rich kids play on the pool and have pizza party but poor kids can't have that so it cause the problem between them. It can cause aloofness and fight. But, despite some walls between classes, we had so many things in common in real school or society like this book telling. So we can learn that no matter how big gap we have, we can overcome the gap and be with each other. Because we have some aspects on common and they make us be connected.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Question 1.

ho are the main characters in the novel?Do you like them? Why or Why not?What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

In this novel, the round characters are Pony Curtis, Johnny Cade, Darrel Curtis(Darry), and Sodapop Curtis. Actually, I don't like them because they're not really good students and they have such bad emotion to each other. They had a poor background also there is some conflicts between greasers(poor and hooligans in East side) and Socs(rich guys in Westside). On the other hand, I like them because Darry who was the oldest brother began to provide to his younger brothers. There is no speciality about them but one thing its special thing is they killing each other and they gives a torment to each other. Their conflict is serious disagreement and argument because they knew what's going to be happen after the seriouse moment and It take a risk of one´s life.
They reveals the conflict, gap, and dicrimination between class.